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====== A generalized geometric approach to anisotropic peak broadening due to domain morphology ====== As published in J. Appl. Cryst. **48(1)** //(2015)//, 189-194, Ectors et al. [[http://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576714026557]] and J. Appl. Cryst. **48(6)** //(2015)//, 1998-2001, Ectors et al. [[http://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576715018488]] ---- Updated with an optional plotting macro PlotAnisoCS for the normals_plot window (Version 5+) July 2016 Fixed a bug concerning the automatic orientation tool (Abs(alr) instead of alr). Thank you Remo for the feedback. January 2018 For modifications to get error reporting see (updated) link [[https://topas.awh.durham.ac.uk/flarum/public/d/538-report-error-with-phase-out/]]. Thank you Adam for this. Feb 2024 Since my website is down heres a link to a quickstart guide. [[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ics0cza5smwv32c1he7g1/AnisoCS-Macro-collection-for-TOPAS.pdf?rlkey=fwmmw5u4x1lo351403zy3zndt&dl=0]] ---- Application e.g. for a cylinder in a hexagonal/trigonal system: str 'or hkl_Is ... AnisoCS( 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, rx, 5, rx, 5, rz, 10, !pc, 0, !tc, 0, !nc, 0, 0) AnisoCSg( tau, 1) AnisoCSgout(result.txt) PlotAnisoCS 'V5+ only ... ---- macro AnisoCS( mod, h11, k11, l11, h22, k22, l22, ac, av, bc, bv, cc, cv, pc, pv, tc, tv, nc, nv, sp) { ' As published in Ectors et al. (2015) J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 189-194 ' mod which model to use 1 for ellipsoid 2 for elliptic cylinder 3 for cuboid ' h11 k11 l11 vector defining the z-axis ' h22 k22 l22 vector defining the x-axis ' av bv cv rx ry rz of the model ' pv tv nv additional rotation parameters theta' theta' nu ' sp activate special method for triclinic systems 1/0 on/off ' --------- Code starts here ------ peak_buffer_step 0 'Initialize variables #m_argu mod #m_argu ac If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(ac, av, min 0.0001 max 10000) #m_argu bc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(bc, bv, min 0.0001 max 10000) #m_argu cc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(cc, cv, min 0.0001 max 10000) #m_argu pc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(pc, pv, min 0 max 180) #m_argu tc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(tc, tv, min 0 max 180) #m_argu nc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(nc, nv, min 0 max 360) 'G-Metrictensor just for output local !m11 = Get(a)^2; local !m12 = Get(a)*Get(b)*Cos(Get(ga)*Deg); local !m13 = Get(a)*Get(c)*Cos(Get(be)*Deg); local !m21 = m12; local !m22 = Get(b)^2; local !m23 = Get(b)*Get(c)*Cos(Get(al)*Deg); local !m31 = m13; local !m32 = m23; local !m33 = Get(c)^2; 'G*-Reciprocal metrictensor and reciprocal lattice parameters local !vol = Get(a)*Get(b)*Get(c)*Sqrt(1-((Cos(Get(al)*Deg))^2)-((Cos(Get(be)*Deg))^2)-((Cos(Get(ga)*Deg))^2)+2*(Cos(Get(al)*Deg)*Cos(Get(be)*Deg)*Cos(Get(ga)*Deg))); local !ar = (Get(b)*Get(c)*Sin(Get(al)*Deg))/vol; local !br = (Get(a)*Get(c)*Sin(Get(be)*Deg))/vol; local !cr = (Get(b)*Get(a)*Sin(Get(ga)*Deg))/vol; local !alr = (Cos(Get(be)*Deg)*Cos(Get(ga)*Deg)-Cos(Get(al)*Deg))/(Sin(Get(be)*Deg)*Sin(Get(ga)*Deg)); local !ber = (Cos(Get(al)*Deg)*Cos(Get(ga)*Deg)-Cos(Get(be)*Deg))/(Sin(Get(al)*Deg)*Sin(Get(ga)*Deg)); local !gar = (Cos(Get(be)*Deg)*Cos(Get(al)*Deg)-Cos(Get(ga)*Deg))/(Sin(Get(be)*Deg)*Sin(Get(al)*Deg)); local !r11 = ar^2; local !r12 = ar*br*gar; local !r13 = ar*cr*ber; local !r21 = r12; local !r22 = br^2; local !r23 = br*cr*alr; local !r31 = r13; local !r32 = r23; local !r33 = cr^2; 'Test if special method triclinic is activated #m_ifarg sp 1 local !h1 = 0; local !h2 = If(Abs(alr) <= 0.00001, 0 , 1); local !k1 = 0; local !k2 = If(Abs(alr) <= 0.00001, 1 , -(r31 / r32)); local !l1 = 1; local !l2 = 0; #m_else local !h1 = h11; local !h2 = h22; local !k1 = k11; local !k2 = k22; local !l1 = l11; local !l2 = l22; #m_endif '|hkl|Prim aka z-axis local rowh1 = (h1 r11 + k1 r12 + l1 r13)*h1; local rowk1 = (h1 r21 + k1 r22 + l1 r23)*k1; local rowl1 = (h1 r31 + k1 r32 + l1 r33)*l1; local dvec1 = Sqrt(rowh1+rowk1+rowl1); '|hkl|Sec aka x-axis local rowh2 = (h2 r11 + k2 r12 + l2 r13)*h2; local rowk2 = (h2 r21 + k2 r22 + l2 r23)*k2; local rowl2 = (h2 r31 + k2 r32 + l2 r33)*l2; local dvec2 = Sqrt(rowh2+rowk2+rowl2); '|hkl|Current local rowH = (H r11 + K r12 + L r13)*H; local rowK = (H r21 + K r22 + L r23)*K; local rowL = (H r31 + K r32 + L r33)*L; local dvec3 = Sqrt(rowH+rowK+rowL); 'Angle phi local rowg1 = (H r11 + K r12 + L r13)*h1; local rowg2 = (H r21 + K r22 + L r23)*k1; local rowg3 = (H r31 + K r32 + L r33)*l1; local sum1 = rowg1+rowg2+rowg3; local cosphi = (sum1/(dvec1*dvec3)); local sinphi = Sqrt(Abs(1-(cosphi^2))); 'Angle theta local rowp1 = (H r11 + K r12 + L r13)*h2; local rowp2 = (H r21 + K r22 + L r23)*k2; local rowp3 = (H r31 + K r32 + L r33)*l2; local sum2 = rowp1+rowp2+rowp3; local coseta =(sum2/(dvec2*dvec3)); local costheta = If(sinphi <= 0.00001, 1, coseta/sinphi); local sintheta = Sqrt(Abs(1-(costheta^2))); 'Handedness local p = h1*(k2*L - l2*K) + k1*(l2*H - h2*L) + l1*(h2*K - k2*H); local pre = If (p <= 0 , -1 , 1); 'Rotation: Rotationmatrix and calculation of phirot and thetarot local grot11 = (Cos(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg))-(Sin(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg)); local grot21 = -(Cos(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg))-(Sin(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg)); local grot31 = Cos(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg); local grot12 = (Sin(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg))+(Cos(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg)); local grot22 = -(Sin(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg))+(Cos(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg)); local grot32 = Sin(CeV(tc,tv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg); local grot13 = -(Sin(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Cos(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg)); local grot23 = Sin(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg)*Sin(CeV(nc,nv) * Deg); local grot33 = Cos(CeV(pc,pv) * Deg); local cosphirot = (costheta*sinphi*grot31)+(pre*sintheta*sinphi*grot32)+(cosphi*grot33); local sinphirot = Sqrt(Abs(1-(cosphirot^2))); local xfac = (costheta*sinphi*grot11)+(pre*sintheta*sinphi*grot12)+(cosphi*grot13); local costhetarot = If(sinphirot <= 0.0001, 1, xfac / sinphirot); local sinthetarot = Sqrt(Abs(1-(costhetarot^2))); 'Models: 'Ellipsoid #m_ifarg mod 1 local volop = ((4/3) 3.14159265358979 CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) CeV(cc,cv)); local areaop = 3.14159265358979 Sqrt(((CeV(cc,cv) sinphirot)^2)(((CeV(ac,av) sinthetarot)^2)+(CeV(bc,bv) costhetarot)^2)+((CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) cosphirot)^2)); local sizeL = volop / areaop; #m_endif 'Cylinder #m_ifarg mod 2 local volop = (3.14159265358979 CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) (2 * CeV(cc,cv))); local areaop = (Sqrt( ((CeV(ac,av) sinthetarot)^2) + ((CeV(bc,bv) costhetarot)^2)) 4 * CeV(cc,cv) * Abs(sinphirot)) + (3.14159265358979 CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) Abs(cosphirot)); local sizeL = volop / areaop; #m_endif 'Cuboid #m_ifarg mod 3 local volop = (8 CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) CeV(cc,cv)); local areaop = 4 CeV(ac,av) CeV(bc,bv) Abs(cosphirot) + 4 CeV(ac,av) CeV(cc,cv) Abs(sinphirot) Abs(sinthetarot) + 4 CeV(bc,bv) CeV(cc,cv) Abs(costhetarot) Abs(sinphirot) ; local sizeL = volop / areaop; #m_endif 'For Output purposes only local ax = CeV(ac,av); local bx = CeV(bc,bv); local cx = CeV(cc,cv); local px = CeV(pc,pv); local tx = CeV(tc,tv); local nx = CeV(nc,nv); local modx = mod; local vole = volop; local larea = volop^(1/3); local kk = larea / sizeL ; local areaoe = areaop; local phi = If(cosphi < -1, 180, If (cosphi > 1, 0, ArcCos(cosphi)*Rad)); local the = If(costheta < -1, 180, If (costheta > 1, 0, ArcCos(costheta)*Rad)); local phirot = If(cosphirot < -1, 180, If (cosphirot > 1, 0, ArcCos(cosphirot)*Rad)); local therot = If(costhetarot < -1, 180, If (costhetarot > 1, 0, ArcCos(costhetarot)*Rad)); 'CS_Macro 'lor_fwhm = 0.1 180/pi^2 * Lambda / Cos(Th) * sizeL ... 0.1 for nm->Angstroem lor_fwhm = 0.1 18.2378130556208 Lam / (Cos(Th) sizeL); } macro AnisoCSout(file) { ' As published in Ectors et al. (2015) J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 189-194 out file Out_String("Analysis Report: ") Out(Get(phase_name),"%s \n") Out(Get (r_wp), " Rwp: %8.3f \n") Out(Get (r_exp), " Rexp:%8.3f \n\n") Out_String("G-Metrictensor \n\n") Out(m11,"%8.3f") Out(m12,"%8.3f") Out(m13,"%8.3f\n") Out(m21,"%8.3f") Out(m22,"%8.3f") Out(m23,"%8.3f\n") Out(m31,"%8.3f") Out(m32,"%8.3f") Out(m33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("G*-Metrictensor \n\n") Out(r11,"%8.3f") Out(r12,"%8.3f") Out(r13,"%8.3f\n") Out(r21,"%8.3f") Out(r22,"%8.3f") Out(r23,"%8.3f\n") Out(r31,"%8.3f") Out(r32,"%8.3f") Out(r33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("Rotationmatrix \n\n") Out(grot11,"%8.3f") Out(grot12,"%8.3f") Out(grot13,"%8.3f\n") Out(grot21,"%8.3f") Out(grot22,"%8.3f") Out(grot23,"%8.3f\n") Out(grot31,"%8.3f") Out(grot32,"%8.3f") Out(grot33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("Model parameters \n") Out_String(" (1) Ellipsoid / (2) Cylinder / (3) Cuboid \n") Out(modx, " Model: %1.0f \n\n") Out(h1," z-axis hkl: %8.3f") Out(k1," %8.3f") Out(l1," %8.3f \n") Out(px, " Rotation phi: %8.3f") Out(tx, " theta: %8.3f \n\n") Out(h2," x-axis hkl: %8.3f") Out(k2," %8.3f") Out(l2," %8.3f \n") Out(nx, " Additional rotation nu: %8.3f \n\n") Out(ax," rx-radius: %8.3f nm \n") Out(bx," ry-radius: %8.3f nm \n") Out(cx," rz-radius: %8.3f nm \n") Out(vole," Volume: %8.3f nm^3 \n") Out(larea," : %8.3f nm \n\n") Out_String(" H K L M 2Th D phi theta phirot thetarot \n") phase_out file append load out_record out_fmt out_eqn { "%4.0f" = H; "%4.0f" = K; "%4.0f" = L; "%4.0f" = M; "%8.3f" = 2 Th Rad; "%8.3f" = D_spacing; "%8.3f" = phi; "%8.3f" = the; "%8.3f" = phirot; "%8.3f" = therot; "%8.3f\n" = sizeL; } } macro AnisoCSg( tauc, tauv) { #m_argu tauc If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(tauc, tauv, min 1 max 2) 'Parameters Eq.(5-7) local para = Abs((costhetarot*sinphirot)/ax); local parb = Abs((sinthetarot*sinphirot)/bx); local parc = Abs((cosphirot)/cx); 'Parameters chapter 2.4 local pard = Sqrt(para^2+parb^2); local pare = pard/parc; local parf = Sqrt(1-pare^2); 'Here comes the tricky part 'Ellipsoid Eq.(4) local ev = If(modx < 2,CeV(tauc,tauv) * (9/8) * sizeL, 'Cylinder If(modx < 3, 'Eq. (11) If(pard <= 0.0001,CeV(tauc, tauv) * sizeL, 'Eq. (12) If(pard < parc, CeV(tauc, tauv) * ( (2/parc) - (8/(3.14159265358979*pard)) * (-(2/3)+(2/3)*parf+((pare*pare*parf)/3)+(pare*ArcSin(pare)))+ ((2*parc)/(3.14159265358979*pard*pard))*(((pare*parf)/2)-((1/2)*(ArcSin(pare)))+(pare*pare*pare*parf)+(2*pare*pare*ArcSin(pare)))), 'Eq. (13) CeV(tauc, tauv)*((16)/(3*3.14159265358979*pard))-((2*parc)/(4*pard*pard)))), 'Cuboid 'Eq. (8) If(And(para>=parb, para>=parc),CeV(tauc, tauv)*(2/para)*(1-(parb/(3*para))-(parc/(3*para))+((parb*parc)/(6*para*para))), 'Eq. (9) If(And(parb>=para, parb>=parc),CeV(tauc, tauv)*(2/parb)*(1-(para/(3*parb))-(parc/(3*parb))+((para*parc)/(6*parb*parb))), 'Eq. (10) CeV(tauc, tauv)*(2/parc)*(1-(para/(3*parc))-(parb/(3*parc))+((para*parb)/(6*parc*parc)))))) ); 'IB calculations Eq. (1-3) local ibV = 1/ev; local ibL = 1/(2*sizeL); 'ibG is 0 if ibV < ibL local ibG = If (ibV > ibL, ((Sqrt((4*ibV^2)-(4.27679864*ibV*ibL)+(0.27679864*ibL^2)))/2), 0); 'CS_G macro local sizeG = ibG/(Sqrt(3.14159265358979/(4*Ln(2)))); gauss_fwhm = 0.1 Rad Lam sizeG / Cos(Th); 'For Output purposes only local taux = CeV(tauc, tauv); } macro AnisoCSgout(file) { out file Out_String("Analysis Report: ") Out(Get(phase_name),"%s \n") Out(Get (r_wp), " Rwp: %8.3f \n") Out(Get (r_exp), " Rexp:%8.3f \n\n") Out_String("G-Metrictensor \n\n") Out(m11,"%8.3f") Out(m12,"%8.3f") Out(m13,"%8.3f\n") Out(m21,"%8.3f") Out(m22,"%8.3f") Out(m23,"%8.3f\n") Out(m31,"%8.3f") Out(m32,"%8.3f") Out(m33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("G*-Metrictensor \n\n") Out(r11,"%8.3f") Out(r12,"%8.3f") Out(r13,"%8.3f\n") Out(r21,"%8.3f") Out(r22,"%8.3f") Out(r23,"%8.3f\n") Out(r31,"%8.3f") Out(r32,"%8.3f") Out(r33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("Rotationmatrix \n\n") Out(grot11,"%8.3f") Out(grot12,"%8.3f") Out(grot13,"%8.3f\n") Out(grot21,"%8.3f") Out(grot22,"%8.3f") Out(grot23,"%8.3f\n") Out(grot31,"%8.3f") Out(grot32,"%8.3f") Out(grot33,"%8.3f\n\n") Out_String("Model parameters \n") Out_String(" (1) Ellipsoid / (2) Cylinder / (3) Cuboid \n") Out(modx, " Model: %1.0f \n\n") Out(h1," z-axis hkl: %8.3f") Out(k1," %8.3f") Out(l1," %8.3f \n") Out(px, " Rotation phi: %8.3f") Out(tx, " theta: %8.3f \n\n") Out(h2," x-axis hkl: %8.3f") Out(k2," %8.3f") Out(l2," %8.3f \n") Out(nx, " Additional rotation nu: %8.3f \n\n") Out(ax," rx-radius_surf: %8.3f nm ") Out(ax*taux,"/ rx-radius_vol: %8.3f nm \n") Out(bx," ry-radius_surf: %8.3f nm ") Out(bx*taux,"/ ry-radius_vol: %8.3f nm \n") Out(cx," rz-radius_surf: %8.3f nm ") Out(cx*taux,"/ rz-radius_vol: %8.3f nm \n") Out(vole," Volume_surf: %8.3f nm^3 ") Out(vole*taux*taux*taux,"/ Volume_vol: %8.3f nm^3 \n") Out(larea," _surf: %8.3f nm ") Out(larea*taux,"/ _vol: %8.3f nm \n\n") Out_String("Distribution parameters \n") Out(taux," Tau: %8.4f \n") Out_String(" If Lognormal of \n") Out(Ln(larea*taux)-(3.5*Ln(taux))," Logn. mean:%8.4f \n") Out(Sqrt(Ln(taux))," Logn. var.: %8.4f \n\n") Out_String(" H K L M 2Th D / \n") phase_out file append load out_record out_fmt out_eqn { "%4.0f" = H; "%4.0f" = K; "%4.0f" = L; "%4.0f" = M; "%8.3f" = 2 Th Rad; "%8.3f" = D_spacing; "%8.3f" = sizeL; "%8.3f" = ev; "%8.3f\n" = ev/sizeL; } } macro PlotAnisoCS { 'ellipsoid normals_plot = If(modx < 2, sizeL*(3/4), 'cylinder If(modx < 3, 1/( ( ((Abs((1/cx)*cosphirot))^(10))+((Abs((sinphirot))^(10))*( ((Abs((1/bx)*sinthetarot))^(2)) + ((Abs((1/ax)*costhetarot))^(2)) )^(5) ) )^(1/10) ), 'cuboid 1/( ( ((Abs((1/cx)*cosphirot))^(10))+((Abs((sinphirot))^(10))*( ((Abs((1/bx)*sinthetarot))^(10)) + ((Abs((1/ax)*costhetarot))^(10)) ) ) )^(1/10) ) ) ); }