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====== n ====== **[//neutron_data//]** Signals the use of neutron atomic scattering lengths.Scattering lengths for isotopes can be used by placing the isotope name after “//occ//” as in: occ 6Li 1 occ 36Ar 1 The scattering lengths data, contained in the file NEUTSCAT.CPP, is from www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/neutrons/n-scatter/n-lengths/LIST~1.HTM Constant wavelength neutron diffraction requires a Lorentz correction using the Lorentz_Factor  macro (defined in TOPAS.INC); it is defined as follows: scale_pks = 1 / (Sin(Th)^2 Cos(Th)); **[//no_LIMIT_warnings//]** Surpresses [[#k157|LIMIT_MIN]] and LIMIT_MAX warning messages. **[//normalize_FCs//]** If defined then site fractional coordinates are normalized. Normalization of a particular fractional coordinate does not occur if it has //min/////max// limits, is part of a //rigid// body or part of a site constraint of any kind. **[//numerical_area// E]** Returns the numerically calculated area under the phase.