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converting_q_to_2th [topas wiki]

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converting_q_to_2th [2021/07/29 15:41] – created alancoelhoconverting_q_to_2th [2022/11/03 15:08] (current) – external edit
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 +On the bottom of the web page http://www.topas-academic.net/ is a small program called q-to-2th.exe. Downloaded it to the main TA directory.
 +q-to2th converts QI files to XY files; it can be run from the command line as follows:
 +         q-to-2th #wavelength \some-directory\*.qi -correct -remove-old-ext
 +#wavelength is a number corresponding to the wavelength in Angstroms
 +\some-directory\*.qi identifies the files to convert. Converted files are placed in the original directory. 
 +-correct multiplies the y values by (4 Pi / Lam) Cos(Th), or, the y values are corrected such that:
 +   I(2 Th) = I(Q) dQ / d2Th
 +the y values are then normalized such that:
 +   Sum[ |y_new| ] = Sum[ |y_old| ]
 +-remove-old-ext removes the current extension (ie. QI) and replaces it with XY. 
 +-correct and -remove-old-ext are optional. If -correct is not present then no correction is made. If -remove-old-ext is absent then an XY extension is append to the file names.
 +-correct should be used if the data was in fact collected with equal Q steps. If it was collected with equal 2Th steps and if no correction was applied to the RAW data then do not apply -correct.  
 + --- //[[alan.coelho@bigpond.com|Alan Coelho]] 2021/07/29 16:39//